Silsilah is the Indonesian term for family tree, but within Pencak Silat styles it may refer to both the lineage as well as current roles within a given style or organization.
Within Inti Ombak Pencak Silat, members have a rank in specific programs (core IOPS, daya batin, PSM Lakutama, etc..) and they may also serve a specific role. This is a living structure where the role represents how one serves others.
These roles are named and organized to reflect the metaphor of wave behavior with leaders out front steering and navigating a ship, people on board rowing, rigging and bailing as needed, and others pushing to keep it moving forward.

- Panuntan Agung – Translated as the “great guide” or “head guide”. This is the person out front, steering the organization’s direction
- Pamengku Agung – Translated as the “head representative”. This is the person ensuring everything operates as necessary.
- Pamengku Jero
- Pamengku Anom – Translated as “young representative” or “junior teacher”.
- Kadang Welat / Banyu / Bayu – A boat moves by wind, water and human power. The wind (bayu) will blow the water (banyu) to move, but water is direct contact pushing the boat.
- Kadang Welat – These are the people who row to ensure the boat moves forward when there is no wind. This role actively acts in service of the others riding on the ship.
- Kadang Banyu – This the water pushing the boat forward. On a ship, when water accumulates in the bilge it needs to be bailed and pumped out to ensure the ship does not capsize.
- Kadang Bayu – Wind pushes the boat from the back. On a ship, there a folks who work to setup the sails to allow the wind to propel the boat forward.
- Parampara – Translated as “one that comes with a big heart”. These are the people who are not active in the organization but still give input and guidance