The bird is a seagull which symbolizes the self, the one seeking to learn about life
Yellow, the bird’s color, like the yolk in the center of an egg represents the core spirit
The seagull is a resourceful bird capable of drinking both salt water and fresh water. It displays great versatility in how it obtains prey and wide adaptability in what it can consume. Like the seagull, we aim to make use of all that is available to us.
The surrounding blue, like the ocean, is a symbol of the deepest maturity or calmness. It teaches the lesson of water – fluid and continuously moving with one’s surroundings.
The 12 red rays or beams symbolize purification and the desire to dive deeper in understanding one’s self.
Red symbolizes the fire of life’s desires and hardships
The number 12, referred to as rol-las in Javanese (short for rohing kawelasan), means the spirit of love.
This 12 is composed of 5 + 7. In Javanese culture there are five bases for conducting one’s life known as the Panca Pama (pronounced pawn-cha paw-ma), and there are seven lessons for controlling the spirit.
The cloud or wave located in the middle of the logo symbolizes the struggle to tame the self. These are the ups and downs of life that come from our interactions with others and our surrounding environment
White represents emptiness, innocence, the beginning and the end. The white appears as a circle in the symbol which the seagull is flying towards. To reach this goal, the seagull must fly through all the other components of the symbol.